Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012 and Happy New Year!

Let me take this opportunity to write a short results post.

2012 was a year when we started this venture - Goober Gang Mag. This is a place for the Goober Gang moms to write whatever they are experiencing when bringing up their children, share ideas and thoughts.

One great thing is that Goober Gang Mag found its place in our lives and on the internet. To date, we have 68 published posts (including this one) and over 6000 visits to our blog. 4 Goober Gang moms and several guest bloggers, including Nanny Robina, submitted articles to our little magazine.

On a down side, most moms are busy, and for a while we had no articles published. We could use more input from other members in the next year, as all our moms are amazing individuals, come from various backgrounds and can share so much for all of us to learn!

As for me personally, I had an exhausting year, and most of my time was filled by figuring out just another way for Santino to go to sleep. I also had several personal and family issues, but that is nothing new, everybody has that.

I learned how to feel more confident in expressing my thoughts in writing, so I am planning on writing more in the coming year. I got inspired to search online for various homeschooling activities for toddlers and started incorporating them in Santino's daily routine. We went through a rejection period, when Santino didn't want to do anything I offered, was not interested in anything I said, and would only respond to treats (Santino, where is A? Silence... You know A, can you show it to mommy, please? Silence. Santino, look, can you find an A? Silence. Show mommy an A, and I will give you a cookie. Here it is!)

So, here are a few of my New Year resolutions:
- Organize Goober Gang Mag tags better. I've been thinking about this for a long time now.
- Find, try and share more toddler activities, on a more organized basis.
- Find at least one guest blogger per month.

C'mon Goober Moms! Join in!

Happy New Year and may all your plans come to successful implementation!