I have been living in a very difficult family situation. With my husband being sick and unable to work, our family has been mostly relying on disability check from the government. Our car has been struggling to stay alive and we can’t afford to replace it with a new one.
The most difficult part in this situation is getting around with a child. Stores, play dates, farms, other cool places to visit for a mom and a kid are all just often not reachable with a walk, especially in the heat. Yes, it’s difficult, but not impossible!
There are many ways to get around for a financially strangled mom with a child, who needs to get out and meet other kids!
- A walk. Yes, the old walk with a stroller is great and also is the cheapest way to get around. It can take you pretty far and you don’t have to pay a dime. I usually walk up to a park, walk to the doctor’s office or to a play date, if the house is close by. We get out almost every day just on foot, except for the really hot days, when we stay on the deck, or just hide in the basement.
- A bus. While it is the coolest way to travel, if you ask my son, buses in Newmarket don’t run nearly as often as in a big city, like Toronto. The waiting time can be pretty long. I find if I am on a schedule, it’s better to find other transportation. The Davis bus is a good way to get to the mall, though.
- Car pool! This could be a great idea, if you have a sympathizing friend with a car, who lives close by. And, if you have a car seat for your child. I’ve been lucky, I have awesome people living near me, moms who give me and my son rides to the interesting but remote places and play datees, who also became my friends and my son became friends with their children. Thank you, my girls, I would get out far less often without you.
- Relatives who are willing to help. Most our relatives live rather far from us and are busy with their own schedules, but sometimes we score a ride with my mother-in-law or my sister-in-law. They both have been great, very helpful and supportive! I love you, Lucy and Sonia!
- Actually, Ontario Early Years send you a cab, if you are coming for a program at their facility and are unable to get there on your own. This was an awesome news for me when I was at home with a little baby, depressed and overwhelmed, with my husband in the hospital. I was prepared to be stuck in the house alone, with no friends as I didn’t know anybody. And then a visiting nurse came and referred me to the home visitors program, and a home visitor told me about the Early Years and their assistance with the transportation. I started getting out, met some people, other moms, and my life little by little started getting its perspective.
Since I haven’t been paying attention, my driver’s license expired last year. Now I am getting ready to go back, take the tests again. I sure hope, that once I have my license, opportunity will come and I will get my own car.
Farms and pools, here we come!
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