Here is a simple set of activities I like to offer Santino. It is
something inexpensive, actually more like free, very simple to do,
although promoting hand-eye coordination, attention, concentration, and a
whole bunch of other skills.
I divided a sheet of paper in 2 halves. I covered the bottom half with a
greenish blue waves, and the top with a darker blue color. I then cut
out a few simple fish shapes, a boat shape, a few stars and a moon. I
then let Santino sort these shapes and put them in their place. He was
phenomenal! He put everything in the right place, except for the moon,
which he wasn't sure. But I showed him, and now he knows!

Here is another take on the same idea. I drew a Christmas tree, and
Santa without a hat, mittens or a sack of presents. While I was drawing
it, Santino got nervous about Santa's hat, and immediately noticed "no
hat!". Then I drew and cut out a hat for Santa, a pair of mittens and
the sack. I also cut out a few decorations for the tree.
immediately put the hat on Santa, being very careful not to put it over
his eyes, then he put mittens, and stumbled upon the sack. I told him
that the sack goes in Santa's hands, so he tried to arrange it in the
hands, but wasn't sure how. After I showed him, he went on to decorate
the tree.