I love the lists of important stuff to do with your kids during every season. I found many kinds online and decided it would be fun to make our own! So together with Connie we compiled a fun list of activities to do this winter. Technically, the winter just begun a few days ago, so here it comes!
- Decorate for Christmas differently than last year.
- Light up the decorated tree every night.
- Build a snow castle (almost done! Not enough snow still...)
- Bake some cookies for gifts and eat them instead.
- Watch Christmas cartoons and movies all day.
- Make snow angels.
- Light up the fire in the fire place and cuddle around it.
- Burn an aromatic cinnamon-scented candle.
- Have a slumber breakfast party with friends.
- Cook and eat a new dish.
- Cut down a real Christmas tree at a farm
- Take a winter train ride
- Go for a winter hike in a forest
- Go crazy carpeting (mom and dad too!!!)
- Peak in your stocking
- Write a "special" Christmas coupon for your spouses stocking
- Go skating!!
- Jump in the snow and then into a hot tub.
- Watch at least one foreign movie, something different about the Holidays Season
- Catch some snowflakes, look at them closely
- Cut snowflakes out of paper
- Make a bird feeder. Here is a great idea!
- Learn a new song
- Forgive somebody
- Check out a book from a library and read it
- Dance every morning... no time? How about while making breakfast!
- Visit an old friend.
- Make a plan for the rest of the year and follow through.
- Make a snowman out of something other than snow.
- Have a late night up with kids.
Please comment! Add your things-to-do and I will add them to this list.